Nature’s way nursery, inc.
Working with nature to improve your environment
About us
Nature’s Way Nursery, Inc. germinated in 1973 in general nursery production. Our diversification since then has been through following our own hearts with the additional influence of our loyal customers. Our interest in horticulture continues to blossom and our reputation keeps growing.
We offer services like:
Landscape Services: design, plant, maintenance, Japanese pruning techniques, consultation, appraisals
Interior Plant Services: design, installation, maintenance
Bonsai Education: lectures, demonstrations, workshops.
As our list of services shows, Nature’s Way does more than plant plants. We are an educational center offering lectures, demonstrations and workshops at our bonsai studio or at your location.
Let us show you our definition of quality. Come visit at our nursery and bonsai studio or find us at one of the many bonsai symposiums or garden shows throughout the year.
Our weekly maintenance includes: watering, pruning, trimming, fertilizing, insect & plant disease control--if necessary, and cleaning.

Bonsai Education
Our Hours
Friday & Saturday • 9am-5pm
Sunday—Thursday • By Appt Only

Let us show you our definition of quality.
Come visit at our nursery and bonsai studio or find us at one of the many bonsai symposiums or garden shows throughout the year.