Breeze across my branches
Neighboring friends ask questions
Where’s life go from here?
Can trees communicate?
…now, there’s a question worth taking a lifetime to answer. Since the early 1970’s when the book Secret Life of Plants was written, many have pondered plants’ abilities. They’ve considered not only their botany aerobatics, but also their special abilities to survive through communication and chemical change to withstand challenges brought on by fire, wind, extreme temperatures, insects, animals, pollution, and man. The more we read—the more questions arise. A tree that is transformed into a bonsai can mimic its counterpart in nature. We water, prune, fertilize, and provide a well-draining container, special soils, and protection from nature’s elements. The tree “thinks” an honor has been bestowed on it and wants to live. It tells us so through the relationship we share. Let us embrace our communication with this life form.
—Jim Doyle & Nell Doyle Leaman & Libby Tisdell Doyle